How Cold Air Impacts Air Quality
If you find that it’s harder to breathe when the air turns colder, it’s not your imagination running wild. You may also notice that your skin is drier and your throat is a little itchier when you interact with colder air. This is because there are differences in the makeup of warmer humid air compared to air you’ll likely encounter during the fall or winter months.
Cold Air Irritates the Lungs
When you breathe in drier winter air, your body reacts to humidify it. In the process of doing so, it can tighten air passages and constrict muscles that surround the lungs. This is referred to as a bronchospasm and is why you may find it harder to breathe cold air or why you may be more prone to coughing fits or asthma attacks during the winter.
Although there is little we can do about the outdoor air, the folks at Savannah Air Factory in Savannah, GA can perform indoor air quality tests in your home. Based on the results, we may recommend placing a humidifier in your bedroom or having air ducts cleaned to make your home a more comfortable place to be.
How Dry Air Impacts Your Life
Drier air can lead to itchy skin or clothes that are vulnerable to static cling. You may also notice that dry air causes damage to wooden floors, furniture or other items in your house. You can counteract this by using lotion on your skin, fabric softener on your clothes and a humidifier in your house. It may also be a good idea to clean your home more often during the winter months as colder air is more apt at trapping fine particles in the air.
If you are looking for heating or indoor air quality solutions, call us at Savannah Air Factory right now! We can also help with air conditioning repair or maintenance as well as ductless heating and cooling systems.